27 January 2008


lo·quat (lō'kwŏt', -kwāt')
  1. A small evergreen tree (Eriobotrya japonica) native to China and Japan, having fragrant white flowers and pear-shaped yellow fruit with large seeds.
  2. The edible fruit of this plant.
(American Heritage Dictionary, 4th ed., 2006)

No, this is not a dendrology lesson- rather- it is a discussion of the San Franciscan band taking their name from this tree/fruit. I'm not exactly sure how or when I first heard of them; however, this past autumn/early winter (coincidentally the same time flowers appear on the tree) as I was living and working within Mesa Verde National Park, I was revisiting some of the music I already possessed & came across Loquat's EP Before the Momentum. Their music popped out with their catchy yet sentimental pop-hooks.

Notable tracks include:

Half-Assed Mechanic
Swingset Chain
There is a Light That Never Goes Out (cover of The Smiths)

Their sound seems to fit their name. Sugary melodies of Kylee Swenson's vocals are accompanied with a blend of acoustic and electronic support. Their tunes have a slight melancholy yet upbeat mood -- sort of like a daydream/nostalgia of childhood. They have an aura in several songs that make me feel they've been in a soundtrack to a film along the vein of Garden State.....perhaps there is a slight resemblance to Frou Frou or Massive Attack (which would explain the cinematic mood)-- but with a less spacey/ambient vibe... ? ...

Anyway, they are putting out a new album here in 2008 - " The Secret of the Sea." Harder Hit, one of the songs they're using to promote it has a stronger electronic tinge & has me hooked.

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